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Guide to Making Money Online: What NOT to Do

Although you’re wise to be searching for a guide to making money online, if you really want to make money online, no doubt you’re already confused with all the crap that’s thrown at you these days. I’ve been doing this for a couple of years now and just started making money, so I can tell you what NOT to waste your money on as an online marketer newbie.

First, if I were to really act as your guide to making money online, I would not advocate paid advertising…

If you want to make money online, paid advertising is a good way to get you discouraged in a hurry. Granted, a lot of information you might get from the “Guide to Making Money Online” you could probably purchase and print out will tell you to throw a ton of money at Google PPC (pay-per-click) and solo ads. And, although these methods do work quite well for the experienced online marketer who knows exactly how to track and tweak his ad constantly, as an internet marketing newbie, you can count on throwing away thousands, and chalk it up to a “learning experience”.

Frankly, I choose to take my learning experience a little more cost effectively, because there is a way to learn and grow with this business little by little, and it actually becomes very exiting when you start to see how you can make money blogging online – even before you know how to sell anything!

The reason why blogging works for everyone and not just the marketing gurus is that people can reveal their own lives and their own feelings. And, if anything’s hot these days, it’s reality shows! People like what’s real and they can see right through anything that isn’t the real you through and through.

So what about YouTube? Is that a good guide to making money online?

YouTube has an Alexa score of three, which means it’s third most popular site on Google. And therefore, whatever you put on YouTube has a greater chance of ranking on Google’s page one than practically anything else. However, you must be careful here. Remember that the purpose of YouTube is to provide entertainment and “how to” information.

So, if you get into the habit of posting a lot of videos and declare a clear call to action throughout and at the end, inviting people to click your capture link and opt in to become your lead, you’ll get more leads, but you also will be eventually shut down.

It’s easy for anyone who sees your video to mark it as “spam”. Even if you don’t think it’s spam because you’re giving out valuable information, remember we’re all different, and spam is a subjective term. And, it only takes six spam accusations before you’re shut down for good!

Therefore, as your guide to making money online, I strongly advise to use YouTube with a “soft sell” strategy only, providing only valuable information or entertainment, and provide the link to your blog beneath the video where people can click for “more information” (and where you will be providing links galore to your capture page).

And just what does this guide to making money online have to say about article software?

It used to work great until the Google penguin ruling in 2011. Now it sucks and can actually hurt your rankings! Plus, it’s very time consuming, so I’ve recently taken the system off my “recommends” page on my blog. Because, after all, whether I make money on a product or not, I will not recommend anything that does not work!

So if all that doesn’t work, is there an actual guide to making money online anymore?

The search engines are constantly trying to make things more real, so marketers who use software and cheating techniques will be kept out of the way so the average guy with something valuable to say can actually be heard.

When you think about it, this can be a good thing! This means that all you have to do is provide valuable information – that is, information that people are searching for – and give them what they want.

Can you make money from blogging?

The answer is yes, of course! Based on what I’ve said above, the way to get started is obviously with a blog.

See How Easily You Live the Lifestyle That You Desire

Working that 1% a day makes massive shifts in our conditioning, in the experience that we are having, and our attitudes. This kind of lifestyle equates to living an abundant life, and bringing the things that you want into your life.


Once we have gone through this material stage we realize that living the lifestyle is what it’s all about. Living the life that you want to live and doing the things that you want to do when you want to do them is ultimate freedom. For myself, I come from the corporate background of working 60 hours a week, going into an office all the time. Many of you know that my lifestyle now includes training in Martial Arts, getting my pilot license, traveling to South America where I own a place, working on my business, speaking engagements, etc… I would like everyone to start experiencing that same success and that lifestyle that they desire. You can, but it’s a matter of getting clear about what is the lifestyle that you really want.

Creating Ideas

We really have to start looking at this aspect of living the life and understand to appreciate every moment. It’s not about the accumulating of things. It’s about creating ideas. It’s about creating multiple income streams to live life and have those wonderful moments. There’s a wonderful word that I love and it’s residual. Residual means income coming in whether you work or not. Building systems and business that can create that residual income is really an awesome thing. Everyone can do that.

Love What You Do

I have worked to create the freedom and the lifestyle. What is amazing about this whole situation, and I’m using myself, as an example because it’s easier for me to expand on these concepts, is that I’ve done it now with less resistance and less work than when I was really working hard. Part of the reason is that I love what I do is that I’ve found that not resisting and allowing the universe to work for you really works.

Define Your Lifestyle

If you love what you do and you can work hard there’s no limit to what you can accomplish. Maybe you just want to pay off your house, your cars, go to work, move up the corporate ladder, which is totally cool because it’s your experience. Maybe you are someone who wants to do something different and explode out there and be creative. Both are there for you. It’s there. It’s just a matter of putting the puzzle pieces together, opening your mind and figuring out how you are going to do it and letting things come. You have to define what that lifestyle is going to be.

When I first started in the corporate business world I realized it was not working for me. It was not until I let my hair grow and started to wear jeans and t-shirts and started working out all the time that I started to feel like this was me. This is what I always envisioned: that I would live near the beach, that I would be physically active, that would do the things that I want to do like getting my pilot’s license and have fun. I believe that you can do it too!


If you want the lifestyle you can achieve it. Just like the HaganaH Fitness Award that I won. I worked really hard against some men and women that are like fitness machines. I look back at the hard work that I did and I hardly remember it but I will always remember that award. We have to allow things to come so that we can build the lifestyle that we want to live. We have to have some identification of what that is. For me personally, I believe freedom is paramount to living the lifestyle. Being able to do what you want when you want to is critical. To be able to remove the financial bonds is critical and sometimes that doesn’t happen overnight.

Build Your Belief

You can build around that residual dream, build some businesses, and find ways to generate the lifestyle. Love what you do and the money will come. The hardest time was ten years ago when I was in Tucson, Arizona, running a health club and looking at my dog, Chaos, wondering how we were going to make it. I didn’t even know how we were going to eat this week let alone how am I going to do what I love and help people. At that point is when I needed the belief. I was listening to Tony Robbins, Zig Ziegler, Dale Carnegie and many others. I was filling my mind with good things. Those gaps in my personal evolution are what really slowed me down from living that magnificent life. It was the gaps where I lost my belief.

That’s why it’s so important to progress and get clear and move forward. All of a sudden when you start to do what you love it starts to get easier.

Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Puts A Damper On Many Travel Plans

As many of you may know by now, especially if you have upcoming plans to travel to one of our neighboring countries like Canada or Mexico, your travel plans just might be at risk. “The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act or 2004 requires the Department of Homeland Security and Department of State to develop and implement a plan to require all travelers, U.S. citizens and foreign nationals alike, to present a passport or other document, or a combination of documents, that denote identity and citizenship when entering the United States. Congress amended portions of the Act in 2006. The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative is the Administration’s proposed plan to implement this mandate.” So what does this mean? Well, for starters, if you’re traveling to Mexico, Canada, Bermuda or the Caribbean, you are now required to obtain a passport for your travels outside the United States.

You could, not to long ago, travel to Canada or Mexico as easily as traveling to visit your parents 5 states away. Not anymore. The Federal government’s goal to “strengthen border security and facilitate entry into the United States for U.S. citizens and legitimate foreign visitors” now requires all travelers to basically “check-in” by obtaining a passport for identification and proof of citizenship. This is an absolute necessity to secure our borders against un-authorized access with the foremost hopes of preventing terrorist acts by individuals abroad. Unfortunately, the policy and enforcement on border security will affect both incoming travelers and domestic travelers going abroad. As of January 2007, traveling to Mexico, Canada, Bermuda and the Caribbean is now considered “traveling abroad,” where once we could travel to the above countries with limited or no documentation needed at all.

So how does this affect travel to Canada? Or Mexico? Or Bermuda? Or the Caribbean? Well the short answer for you is not much. But if you’re like me, and take family vacations annually to Mexico, it might cost a bit more this year. Take for example a family of 4 (2 adults and 2 children under 16 years). The cost of our trip just exploded because by law, I am now required to obtain a passport for each individual crossing in and out of the United States. So, lets see, not only do I have to pay for the monetary cost associated with obtaining a passport, 4 passports in this example, but I now have to take the time out of my day to find out where I can pick up 4 passport applications; then fill them out, and then find a place that will take my passport photo to be attached with the passport application. I’m not done…I have to round up my entire family to go on this passport excursion. Do I pull my kids out of school for this? Do they miss band or sports practice after school? Do I waste an hour and fight traffic with my family just to find our passport applications and a place that will take our passport photo? Unfortunately, this scenario will look all too common in 2007 and beyond as the Federal government continues to increase security for our Country. My advice is to get your passport early and beat the rush. And if your lucky, you can find someone who will come out to your work place or home and furnish all your passport needs, from forms to photos, like Mobile Passport Photos in the Midwest.

What You Need To Know About Online Education

Generally, online education needs someone who has self-discipline, knowledgeable with modern technology, and someone who is organized. Students of online education should believe that education is not confined within the four corners of a traditional school setting. To determine whether or not online education is the right thing for you, here are some factors to consider.

Taking up a college course is essential to your success. There’s a ninety percent chance of you completing the course and getting your degree if the purpose for which to take up a college course is to advance your career or set an example to children or to have a better standard of living. Internet education is the right method if you are quiet and reserved as opposed to someone who’s a social butterfly. There are studies that show that quiet students often thrive in online courses.

If you are a motivated person, online education is the better choice than in the traditional setting. This is because completing the degree will require a huge amount of commitment and discipline on your part. The fact that you get to study along can also prove beneficial to someone who wants to pursue online education. This does not mean, however, that will not be dealing with other students. Online education will entail classroom discussion through the internet. Thus, there will still be interaction among the students.

The method in which you prefer to be taught will also influence your decision on whether or not internet education is the right thing for you. If you learn more things through audible or visual techniques, then go for the traditional education setting. However, if you prefer reading and writing, then online education is for you. This is because the courses will require more of written words in the asking and answering of questions.

When you choose to pursue online education, you will have to devote a certain time of the day to work on the course. Whether the requirement is related to reading, researching or writing a report, your education will still need a bit of your time.

The demands in pursuing an internet education course will need a high-speed computer that has the capacity and hard drive space for the software programs of your course. This will not work on an old computer. Also, you will need a good working internet connection. This kind of education entails more time on the internet researching for course work. Thus, the student should have a working, if not advanced, knowledge in this particular field.